Friday, May 12, 2017


This week was largely spent driving (or being driven) back and forth to Boston to see two neurosurgeons on two consecutive days . The second surgeon told me that some of my symptoms may be related to degenerative disk disease, which I appear to have.  Clearly, the DDD doesn't explain all of the symptoms, such as the fatigue and the muscle fasciculations (spasms) that are now almost constant in my left leg, but it might be contributing to the weakness of my left leg, and  my fingers.

The neurosurgeon is recommending disk surgery, which I am considering. At first, I felt very negative about surgery, but I was coming from a "should" position. I was thinking in terms that I shouldn't have to have this complication along with the ALS diagnosis, but  that that sort of thinking isn't very productive and I have to move away from the "shoulds" and to accept what is. And "what is" is that if I don't get this surgery, my symptoms will worsen. If I get the surgery, they could worsen as well, but then I will never know if it might have helped. So if Peace Corps agrees to pay for the surgery I will most likely go for it. 

One positive is it could be done here in Maine. The surgeon said that he can refer me to a couple of neurosurgeons at Maine Medical Center, which would be preferable to going back to Boston. He suggested that it will probably involve a 3-day hospital stay and then some time in a skilled nursing facility or rehab hospital. 

Today, I will speak with my Peace Corps medical case manager, and make sure that my medical records from Maine Medical and Tufts are in order. And I will also take a break--all that going back and forth, even when I am not driving and am getting pushed around in a wheelchair is exhausting!  


  1. Thanks for the post Grace. Lots to think about for sure.
    Aging does suck.
    See you soonish. Kate

  2. I am sure you are exhausted. I am glad that this may help. It does make sense why things have progressed so quickly. Also factor in our family history of horrible backs...
    I love you.

  3. Wow, you are getting your share. I thought ddd was painful, that isn't a symptom of yours, right? When life gets this hard we have to take it one minute at a time. Looking forward to talking to you soon, thanks for the update, you have so many of us in your corner!

    1. Hi Barb! No pain, and when I asked about that, they neurosurgeon said that DDD isn't always painful, which isn't what I read on Web MD.

  4. Dr. Barth, Maine Medical Center

  5. Grace, I just wrote you a letter, which I'm sending by snailmail to Allen's address in Buxton. I hope you will receive it within the next few days.

  6. Hi Grace, Thank you for sharing what is going on with you. My sister died on my birthday on May 12,2016 from ALS. I have some idea of what you might be going through. You have great support and you are interested in yourself & what is going on. I am an advocate of doing what you need to do-whatever that turns out to be. You are in my thoughts. Take care of yourself.
